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January so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19856
This Months Entries: 13
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: IainW

Member#: 137
Registered: 11-02-2003
Diary Entries: 35

18th May 2003
Windsurfing: Bala
Wind Direction: SW
Wind Stength: force 4-5
Surf / Sea State: big waves for Bala
Air Temperature: 15
Sea Temperature: comfortable
Weather: Sunny intervals
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Arrived to see white horses right across the lake and already about 20 people in the water and it really starting to blow. How come with a lake that big everybody seems to be drawn together into one little huddle?

This is when i realised that i had made a big mistake and forgot to pack the 4.2 as everybody was on 4 m sails of some description. So i went with the 5.5m and tried to flatten it out as much as possible. Only to discover on the first time of hooking in that the harness clip came off and sank to the bottom. So had to do a bit of readjustment, leaving me with a harness that was not easy to get out of.

Massively overpower most of the time but managed to practise a few waterstarts so quite pleased. Then went out for what was going to be my last time and after yet another overpowered wipe out resulting in a rip in one of the footpanels.

Got back to the beach and now pissed off about the sail and why I left the 4.2m at home. Clive stayed out for about another hour, manically fighting the wind. I sat in the car pondering, why?

Fun but at a cost - Iain

PS - Good bit in the pub on the way home when some girl decides that she has had enough of some bloke and throws a pint all over him. Guess my day could have been worse.
Toys Used:
Bic Veloce 298
Tushingham Storm 5.5
ART IMCS 22 440
Bic Freeride Pro 204-254
Bic Freeride 35



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